
Work With Me

In this day and age more and more of the work is done remotely either by an employee working from home or outsourced to someone. I have done short term gigs as well as worked with a company long term.  I need this to remain a remote job. For the right pay I am willing to work Sunday through Friday Manila time or if you need me to work EST I’m willing to work Sunday through Thursday.  while I am ok with these hours the only day I don’t work under in circumstance is Friday night sundown until Saturday night Sundown. I do prefer part time but willing to be full time.  If you need me to train at your office in the US, you will need to pay for the flight and stay from the Philippines to the US and room and board during training and return flight. 

 If we work well together and you need something done I don’t know how to do I’m willing to be trained. The key to any working relationship is communication. 

While i’m fine with doing either gig work or long term work I do prefer working long term in essence being your right hand in helping your business in media content creation. Getting the message of your company out there, whether that’s in managing your social media or updating your wordpress website. I can also Put together your video that you have recorded for the platform you would like to place it on. I can also create a logo for you if you don’t already have one. 

I always want to do the best for my client, employer or partner.  If that includes also working or creating a team to manage i’m willing to do that.

Contact me for any other questions to tailor my services for your needs. subject Virtual Assistant


How May I Help You?

Here are some of the services I can do for you but not limited to.

Social Media

This may include creating photographs with content for your company and posting 2 to 5 days a week depending on the agreed salary also depending on agreed salary Video content can be added.
Apart of Social media management is also responding to your audience. I will respond to the comments and messages for your social media accounts.

** this does not include paid marketing


I will create a wordpress website for you using the content you provide for me. If you would like me to maintain it there will be a monthly cost.

and Video

These services can be used together or separately depending on your needs.

All Prices are in US Dollar

$2,300 monthly

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All in package

This monthly package includes continual updates of website and social media management. It includes creating and editing pictures. This package also includes video editing and posting. Posting depending on the content given by the client. Generally posting 3 to 5 times a week.

$1,300 monthly

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Social media basic package

Social Media Management and photography editing content. This does not include video editing or website creation. This will include responding to comments and DM’s. This will include posting the content given by the client   1 -3 times per week and either as is or adding the content in creating something eye catching for the audience along with hashtags. 


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Website Creation

WordPress Website creation and maintaining monthly needs and updates. The Client will give the content for the website from what the website is about to the pictures of their products. I will also need a good head shot for your about me page. 


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Video Editing

This will be taking the content the client filmed and combining the video’s, adding music where needed. Creating an intro for your video and thumb nail.

Price per video length

1 minutes = $300.00

5 minutes = $1400.00

10 minutes = $2800.00


Logo Creation

Logo Creation

I will create a simple logo for your brand


Animated Logo

I will take either the logo you provide or the logo you have had me create and make it a animated logo for your video intro.


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Video Thumbnail

I will create a thumbnail for your video. Let me know about your video and what it’s about and I will create the video thumbnail in the right size.  Pictures can say 1000 words.


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Photo/video shoot

I will do a photoshoot or video shoot for your needs either portraits or video for business.


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Tailor your own

We can discuss your needs and tailor make your own package and pricing.